Handicap Buttons

The monster monkey apparently discovered and remembers what the glorious door-0pening handicap buttons are – we regularly use them when entering and exiting buildings that are so equipped, but in DC he was able to push them at our hotel. So – why is this important?? I had to do a volunteer orientation at my workplace the other night. Because I do not work during the summer (yay me!) and my husband is in Iraq, I need someone to look after the monkey during my “do-gooding”. So a friend came along with me and the monkey to the orientation. He found several of these buttons scattered around campus and delighted in pushing them. Not a problem until we decided it was time to head home – and he decided he would rather run through a courtyard pushing this buttons on each doorway he passed, eventually ending up in the library squealing about the magical button…

The library that has recently gotten several noise complaints, one in particular that mentions the rule about children not being welcome on campus… I do not think this particular rule applies to the campus library, as it is open to the public, but patrons interpret the rule to fit their situation…

An adventurous time on campus was had by all. 🙂

Though the husband is in Iraq (or perhaps because he is away), I am trying very hard to make this a super fun summer for the monkey. Each day we do something fun, most days we do several fun things. We are smart and live in the sunshine state, where the weather is wonderful all year long (even nicer here in the summer than in the Northeast according to current newstories). So we never run out of outside activities that we can do. Too bad some of them cost money – but he’ll only be a little one for a brief time, so we’ll spend it. When he’s in college and can’t afford to buy books he’ll hate me for it… but what can I do?  🙂

Maybe we’ll go to Disney next week! Yay for the Mouse (or Mousch if you’re the monkey).

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