Wine in a box

Before the hubby went on his exciting adventure overseas (aka working in Iraq), we were regular wine drinkers. Not heavy drinkers, but we managed to drink a bottle or two of red wine each week. Since he has been gone, I’ve bought many a bottle of red wine, only to open it, have a glass or two, and then dump the rest down the drain. While at Target the other day I discovered wine in a box. And not just wine in a box, but wine in a box in individual sized containers!

I’ve never actually purchased wine in a box. In my college days I remember one of my friends regularly buying it (she claimed that the box would stay good for weeks). I would drink it if I knew it was just opened – but never actually thought I could consume an entire box of wine. (She was also the girl that would make various food items and leave them around her kitchen unwrapped and uncooked and unrefrigerated – only to cook them a day later…).

When I saw the individual packs I fondly remembered hanging out in Ette’s kitchen drinking wine in a box. I also have a new compulsion for recycling and for purchasing things with packaging that is ‘not as bad’ for the environment as others. So I bought it. It’s pretty good. I’m loving the idea that when I open it, I’m only opening enough for one setting. That it reminds me of some fantastically fun college days is just a plus.


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