Now where did that tomato go??

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve had time to write. Actually that’s not true, I’ve done a lot of writing over the summer, but none of it was pleasure writing. Instead it was all school work…

Today I’m home from work with the sick monkey. He’s got a low fever, but no other symptoms (other than being a bit grumpy), so we’re just relaxing at the house.

Earlier this morning, monkey heard the garbage truck. Oh how that boy loves to run out to see them. So we did our normal dash for the front door when he noticed the sound of the glorious green garbage truck. Luckily for me, the truck had already picked up most of the garbage on our street. On our walk back into the house, we stopped to examine our basil and tomato plants. As I was busy pinching off dead basil leaves, monkey was examining the tomatoes. We’ve been watching the little tomatoes grow on the plants, eagerly awaiting their transition from a pale green to a more edible red. As we started to walk in the house, monkey says “what do you have in your hand mommy?” I reply, “dead basil leaves.” He says, “oh. look what I picked.”

What did he pick? Just one of the little green tomatoes. I figure, oh well, they were probably never going to make it anyways. So inside we go. I have plans of cutting the tomato open and letting him taste it.

Somehow between entering the house and me tossing the dead leaves in the garbage, the monkey finds his way to my bedroom. Shortly I hear him calling me – “mommy I need help, I can’t find my tomato.” UGH. What has the child done with an unripe tomato in my bedroom? And why can’t he find it?

After a long discussion, he tells me that “I stand on the bed and throw it in the air.” He did this to have it hit the ceiling fan. Then the fan made it fly somewhere in the room… We had to have spent 15 minutes looking everywhere in the room for the tomato. I had visions of a horrible smell in my room… Luckily we did find it eventually – under a dresser. One fewer tomato on my tomato bush and one less chance of rotten food in my bedroom.

Just another day in the life with a child who is also a bit of a monkey. šŸ˜‰

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