Alternative uses for breast pump shields

A few days ago I found the monkey chilling in my closet. Chilling probably isn’t the correct term – as he never really chills – instead he explores, plays, and generally ransacks the place… But anyways, he was in my closet. He eagerly shows me what he’s playing with – megaphones he tells me. He has three out in front of him. One for him, one for mommy and one for daddy. He proceeds to hand me one of my breast shields that he found in my old pump bag – and demands that I use it with him. Odd, yes. But still cute that he knows the general shape and what megaphones are used for.

So we practice using them to call for our dog’s attention. Then later on in the day, we have to take them in the car with us, so that he can use them to call the attention of the bad and crazy drivers around our car.

Later still he has to use them in the house to call the attention of all animals in the house – to return to the their cages. Each time he does this, he makes an audible throat clearing sound before he begins his speech — “Uh-um, Uh-um. Attention all animals. Please return to your cages.”

Very cute. And yet somewhat gross. 🙂

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